
Projectile Motion Simulation Page
(there are 2 simulations on this page)



Projectile Motion Simulation
c) PhET, PhET Interactive Simulations

In the simulation below, you will be able to launch a variety of objects out of a cannon.  You can observe how the object's trajectory and range change as you control both the initial speed of the object as well as its initial angle.  You should compare the results in the case of idealized projectile motion (with air resistance neglected or "turned off") to the trajectory of those same objects with air resistance "turned on".  This will help give you an intuition of how realistic the ideal projectile motion calculation is for different real-world objects of different mass and size.
c) PhET, PhET Interactive Simulations

Suggested Exercises and Observations:

1) Start with the "Intro" page of this simulation. 
  • Adjust the height of the cannon by dragging up or down on the silver pedestal. 
  • Adjust the angle of the cannon by dragging on the barrel end of the cannon.
  • Adjust the initial speed of the projectile with the slider below the cannon.
  • You can drag the bulls-eye target to where you think the object will land.
  • You can also the object to be fired with the pull-down menu in the top right corner.
  • Fire the cannon by clicking on the red button at the bottom green band.
  • You can pan in or out as necessary with the (-) (+) buttons in the top left corner.
  • You can clear the trajectory traces by clicking on the yellow button before firing again.
  • The human-sized David statue is just there as a size reference.

2) Notice that with the air resistance "turned off" :

  • The trajectory is independent of what object you choose.
  • The range (horizontal distance) is a maximum at some angle between 0 and 90 degrees. Can you predict what angle that is?
  • For any particular initial angle, the range scales quadratically with the initial velocity.

(In Physics 1 - we will only calculate projectile motion without air resistance)

3) Now "turn on" the air resistance by selecting the checkbox in the right-hand panel.  Set the cannon angle to 45 degrees, set the pedestal height to 15 meters, and a high initial speed of 30 m/s (67 mph).  Compare the trajectories for a baseball to a the trajectory for a cannonball.  Note the deviation from the "ideal" trajectory with air resistance "turned off"

4) Now repeat step three above with a moderate initial speed of 10 m/s (22 mph).  How big of a difference does "turning on and off" air resistance make at this lower speed compared to in step three?

Optional / Advanced
(again, in Phys 1, we will only calculate projectile motion without air resistance)

5) Move from the "Intro" page to the "Lab" page, and you will be able to adjust the size and mass of the object to be fired. Remember (prove to yourself) that neither size nor mass affect the projectile motion when we neglect air resistance.  But with air resistance "turned on", you can now play around and see how (and how much) the surface-area-to-mass ratio affects the trajectory in the presence of air resistance.


  Monkey and Hunter Simulation
(c) Andrew Duffy, Boston University, Dept. of Physics

In the virtual demonstration below, you will perform the classic monkey-and-hunter experiment. In this experiment, you aim a dart gun at a target (the monkey) hanging in a tree.  At the exact moment that you fire the dart, the monkey lets go of the tree and falls towards the ground.  Will the dart hit the monkey? or will it pass above it?  or below it? This experiment serves as a powerful demonstration of two important principles : (1) that all objects are "pulled downward" at the same rate by the force of gravity, and (2) motion along orthogonal axes (like horizontal motion and vertical motion) are independent. 
(c) Andrew Duffy, Boston University, Dept. of Physics

Suggested Exercises and Observations:

1) Start by selecting the options : (Aim at the Monkey) , gravity = (10.0) m/s/s , and horizontal velocity = (50) m/s.   Press (Play) to fire the dart at the target.

2) Observe that by aiming directly at the dangling monkey you will end up hitting it, if the monkey lets go of the tree at the exact moment you fire the dart gun.  How can we understand this result?

3) Let's "turn gravity off" by choosing gravity = (0.0) m/s/s.  Clearly, now, aiming directly at the monkey is the correct strategy.  The dart is undeflected by gravity (with gravity set to 0.0 m/s/s) and the monkey simply floats in place after letting go.

4) Now let's incrementally "turn gravity back on" by choosing gravity = (5.0) m/s/s.  Both the dart and the monkey are slightly pulled-down (deflected) compared to their trajectories in step three above; but both are deflected / pulled-down at the same rate, so the dart continues to hit the monkey.

5) Bringing gravity back up to full Earth gravity = (10.0) m/s/s, we can try firing the dart with
different horizontal velocities.  We will see that at higher velocities, the dart reaches the x-position of the monkey faster, and so will have been deflected by the constant pull of gravity by a lesser degree in this shorter time.  But, the monkey will also have fallen by a shorter distance in this shorter time frame, so the dart still hits the monkey.

[Optional / Advanced]
6) You can also play around with aiming above and below the monkey to see how those strategies work.  Notice that (with gravity turned on) if the monkey does NOT let go of the tree, then you would have needed to aim above the monkey in order for the dart to reach the position the non-falling monkey after it is deflected by gravity.  Try for example : g = 5.0 m/s/s , vx = 50 m/s , and (aim high).


_______ Simulation
(c) ________.

The simulation below ....

(c) _______.

Suggested Exercises and Observations:
1) Use


3) Notice


External Links to Original & Similar Simulations
(warning : these links will take you outside the UCSD webpage)


last updated : 08/22/18