
Trigonometry Simulation Page
(there is 1 simulation on this page)



  Unit Circle Trig Tour Simulation
(c) PhET Interactive Simulations

The simulation below will allow you to explore the relationship between the trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, and tangent) at a particular angle and the vertical and horiozontal projections (shadows) of a vector at that angle on the unit circle.

(c) PhET Interactive Simulations

Suggested Exercises and Observations:
1)Grab the red circle at the tip of the unit vector (the arrow inside the circle) and move it around to different angles.  Notice that:
  • 0 degrees points horizontally to the right
  • positive angles are counter-clockwise rotations
  • negative angles are clockwise rotations
2) Switch between reading the angle in degrees to radians with the left-hand menu.
  • Notice that a full circle is a rotation of 360 degrees or 2π radians.

3) Switch the lower graph to display the cosine, sine, or tangent of the angle with the buttons in
   the right-hand menu.
  • Notice that the sine of the angle is equal to the y-component (the height of the tip) of the unit vector at that angle.
  • Notice that the cosine of the angle is equal to the x-component (horizontal position of the tip) of the unit vector at that angle.
4) Explore the values and relationship of the sine, cosine, and tangent at certain special angles :
    0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135 150, and 180 degrees (both positive and negative)


External Links to Original & Similar Simulations
(warning : these links will take you outside the UCSD webpage)


last updated : 08/22/18