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EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Physics/Biophysics, University of California, San Diego (awarded September, 2004) Thesis: All-Optical Histology Using Two Photon Laser Scanning Microscopy and Ablation with Ultrashort Pulses Master of Science, Physics (Electro-optics), San Diego State University, San Diego, CA (awarded in June, 1998) Thesis: Investigation of a Zero Degree Twist Nematic Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator Bachelor of Science, Physics/Biophysics, University of California, San Diego (awarded in June, 1994) TEACHING HISTORY Assistant Teaching Professor, University of California, San Diego (2017-Present) Lecturer / Instructor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Imaging Course (July 2003 - 2020) Designed and taught a series of optical bench laboratories to predoctoral and postdoctoral students. Experiments allow students to explore and build a variety of optical systems from basic components. Experiments include building a wide-field microscope with digital image capture, and Kohler illumination, building a computer-driven laser scanning fluorescence microscope, and constructing a confocal microscope. Lectured on a varety of topics, including ray matrix formulation of optics, fluorescence, microscope design, light sources, and optical detectors.Lecturer, University of California, San Diego (2013 - 2017) Instructor of recorded for Physics 1-series introductory physics lecture coures, Physics 173 senior/graduate lab, Physics 270A graduate Hacker Lab course, Physics 270B graduate Hacker Projects course.Associate Instructor, University of California, San Diego (Spring, 2004-2012) Taught basic optics and microscopy techniques section of lab course, Physics 173 - Modern Biophysical and Spectroscopic Measurements Laboratory. Utilized optical bench set-ups of self-design to teach students and give hands-on experience to students with optical theory and alignment, wide-field microscopy and laser-scanning microscopy. Guided student projects on laser-tweezers, nonlinear optics, and dynamic light scattering experiments.Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of California, San Diego (Spring, 1999-2003) Designed experiments and bench practicals de novo for the lab course Physics 173 - Modern Biophysical and Spectroscopic Measurements Laboratory, including laser-tweezers, nonlinear microscopy, fly vision physiology, epifluorescence microscopy, and bench practicals on basic optics, wide-field microscopy, and laser-scanning microscopy. Gave a set of lectures on basic optics, ray matrices, and scanning microscopy. Guided students on quarter-long projects and optical bench practicals.Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, San Diego State University (August 1995 - June 1998) Taught 26 physics laboratory courses of 24 students each. Devised and delivered lectures related to in-class experiments and guided students in experimental procedures. Responsible for class policy, exams and grades. Courses included Physics 182A,B - Physical Measurements Laboratory, Physics 195L - 196L : Principles of Physics Laboratory, and Physics 201: Physics of Sound, Hearing, and Speech. Laboratory topics included mechanics, wave motion, acoustics, electricity, DC circuits, electromagnetic fields, and optics. Assisted in design of new course experiment on AM radio circuits. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Project Scientist / QBio Lab Coordinator, Dept. of Physics, University of California, San Diego (Jan 2015 - Present) Designed and oversaw construction of Qunatitative Biology Graduate Specialization Hacker Lab. Designed curriculum for Physics 270A/B graduate lab courses for new specialization program in Quantitative Biology. Co-wrote T32 Training Grant through NIH Systems Biology division (approval pending)Associate Project Scientist, Dept. of Physics, University of California, San Diego (Jul 2011 - Dec 2014) Guide students and postdoctoral fellows in the development and implementation of several bio-imaging research projects, including: feedback-driven robotic skull surgery with amplified femtosecond laser pulses, development of super-wide-field multiphoton imaging system, and application of phosphorescent oxygen probe to optically measure local brain oxygenation. Continue development of vectorized models of mouse brain vasculature utilizing circuit model computations to predict flow patterns. Development of custom scanning microsocpe control software package. Assistant Project Scientist, Depts. of Physics and Radiology, University of California, San Diego (Dec 2005 - Jun 2011) Applied novel techniques of vascular labeling in conjunction with all-optical histology to generate micrometer-resoluotion maps of cortical vasculature and associated tissue, over millimeter-scale regions of mouse somatosensory cortex.Postdoctoral Researcher, Depts. of Physics and Radiology, University of California, San Diego (Sept 2004 - Dec 2005) Developed novel techniques for histological labeling and three-dimensional visualization of cortical vasculature and surrounding cells for the purpose of quantitative cell counting and cell-vasculature co-distribution in three-dimensional image data.Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego (June, 1998 - Sept 2004) Designed and constructed two-photon laser scanning microscope. Performed all-optical histology studies using amplified ultrashort pulses to ablate tissue for the purpose of serial histology using two-photon laser scanning microscopy. Conducted pilot studies on use of in-vivo femtosecond ablation of cerebral blood vessels as an animal model for stroke.Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Physics, San Diego State University (August, 1995 - June, 1998) Undertook experimental investigation of the optical properties of a Zero Twist Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator. Observed and theoretically modeled diffractive blazing effects and intensity variations. Developed a theoretical framework of polarization eigenstates for unmodulated transmission through twisted nematic LCDs. ACADEMIC AWARDS ACADEMIC SERVICE - DEPARTMENTAL Committee Member - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (2019-2021) Committee Member - Undergraduate Advising Committee (2018-2021) Committee Member - Physics 1 Committee (2018-2021) Committee Member - Quantitative Biology Executive Committee (2015-2021) Faculty Examiner - Graduate TA English Language Proficiency Oral Exam (2018-2021) Faculty Participant - Triton Day Departmental Booth (2019, 2020) Faculty Participant - Biological Sciences Student Association Student/Faculty Mixer (2019, 2020) Committee Member - Grading Faculty - Graduate Student Course Placement Exam (2020) Panel Member - UCSD Physics Panel on Remote Teaching (2020) Committee Member - Ad Hoc Hiring Committee of Teaching Faculty (2019-2020) Faculty Participant - Biophysics Graduate Student Early Recruitment Event (2020) Faculty Participant - Revelle Sophmore Success Student/Faculty Mixer (2019) Faculty Participant - Physics Exhibition Event for Tech Trek 7th Grade Female Science Students (2018, 2019) Faculty Participant - Pre Pharmacy Society Student/Faculty Mixer (2018, 2019) ACADEMIC SERVICE - BROADER SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY Journal Reviewer - Applied Optics, American Journal of Physiology, Biomedical Optics Express, Nature Methods, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Photonics, Proceeding of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), Neuron, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Applied Sciences, Journal of Biophotonics Program Committee - SPIE Photonics West, Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers (2003-2008) Review Committee - Optical Society of America / Frontiers in Optics Conference (2005) Founding Organizer - UCSD Physics Department Grad-to-Grad Seminars (2000-2003) Principal Member - UCSD Undergraduate Physics Research Center (1993-1994) COMMUNITY SERVICE AND AWARDS Vice President, Twin Trails Education Foundation (2014 - 2015) Member, Board of Directors, Twin Trails Education Foundation (2013 - Present) Director, Shoebox Science Program at Sundance Elementary (2012 - Present) Certificate of Recognition for K-12 STEAM Education Support from California Senator Toni G. Atkins (2017) Volunteer of Year Award, Poway Unified, Sundance Elementary School (2016, Staff Nominated) REFEREED
PUBLICATIONS C. I. Mateo, P. M. Knutsen, P. S. Tsai, A. Y. Shih and D. Kleinfeld, Entrainment of arteriole vasomotor fluctuations by neuronal activity: A basis of blood oxygen level dependent "resting state" connectivity across cortex. Neuron (2017) 20(3):406-416 M. G. Baez-Yanez, P. Ehses, P. Mirkes, P. S. Tsai, D. Kleinfeld and K. Scheffler, The impact of vessel size, orientation and intravascular contribution on the neurovascular fingerprint of BOLD bSSFP fMRI. NeuroImage (2017) 163:13-23. K.Kisler, A. R. Nelson, S. V. Rege, A. Ramanathan, Y. Wang, A. Ahuja, D. Lazic, P. S. Tsai, Z. Zhao, Y. Zhou, D. A. Boas, S. Sakadzic & B. V. Zlokovic, Pericyte degeneration leads to neurovascular uncoupling and limits oxygen supply to brain. Nature Neuroscience (2017) F. Schmid, P. S. Tsai, D. Kleinfeld, P. Jenny and B. Weber, Depth dependent flow and pressure characteristics in cortical microvascular networks. Public Library of Science: Computational Biology (2017) 13:e1005392. I. Gould, P. S. Tsai, D. Kleinfeld and A. Linninger, The capillary bed offers the largest hemodynamic resistance to the cortical blood supply. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2017) 37:52-68. P. S. Tsai, C. Mateo, J.J. Field, C.B. Schaffer, M.E. Anderson & D. Kleinfeld, Ultra-large field-of-view two-photon microscopy. Optics Express (2015) 23: 13833-13847 A.Y. Shih, C. Ruehlmann, P. Blinder, A. Devor, P.J. Drew, B. Friedman, P.M. Knutsen, P.D. Lyden, C. Mateo, L. Mellander, N. Nishimura, C.B. Schaffer, P. S. Tsai and D. Kleinfeld, Robust and Fragile Aspects of Cortical Blood Flow in Relation to the Underlying Angioarchitecture. Microcirculation (2015) 22:204-218 D. C. Jeong, P. S. Tsai and D. Kleinfeld, All-optical osteotomy to create windows for transcranial imaging in mice. Optics Express 21:23160-23168 (2013). P. Blinder*, P. S. Tsai*, J. P. Kaufhold, P. M. Knutsen, H. Suhl and D. Kleinfeld, The cortical angiome: An interconnected vascular network with noncolumnar patterns of blood flow. Nature Neuroscience 16:889-897 (2013). A. Y. Shih, P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, G. Stanley, P. D. Lyden and D. Kleinfeld, The smallest stroke: Occlusion of one penetrating vessel leads to infarction and a cognitive deficit. Nature Neuroscience 16:55-63 (2013). J. P. Kaufhold, P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder and D. Kleinfeld, Vectorization of optically sectioned brain microvasculature: Learning aids completion of vascular graphs by connecting gaps and deleting open-ended segments, Medical Image Analysis (2012). A. Y. Shih, P. J. Drew, C. Mateo, P. S. Tsai and D. Kleinfeld, A polished and reinforced thinned skull window for long-term imaging and optical manipulation of the mouse cortex,. Journal of Visualized Neuroscience, http://www.jove.com/video/3742, (2011). D.C. Jeong, P. S. Tsai and D. Kleinfeld, Prospect for feedback guided surgery with ultra-short pulsed laser light, Current Opinions in Neurobiology, 22:24-33, (2011). D. Kleinfeld, A. Bharioke, P. Blinder, D. D. Bock, K. L. Briggman, D. B. Chklovskii, W. Denk, M. Helmstaedter, J. P. Kaufhold, W-C. A. Lee, H. S. Meyer, K. D. Micheva, M. Oberlaender, S. Prohaska, R. C. Reid, S. J. Smith, S. Takemura, P. S. Tsai and B. Sakmann, Large-scale automated histology in the pursuit of connectomes. Journal of Neuroscience 31:16125-16138, (2011). D. Kleinfeld, P. Blinder, P. J. Drew, J. D. Driscoll, A. Muller, P. S. Tsai and A. Y. Shih, A guide to delineate the logic of neurovascular signaling in the brain. Frontiers in Neuroenergetics, 3:1-9 (2010). P. J. Drew, A. Y. Shih, P. S. Tsai, P. Knutsen, D. Davalos, P. Blinder, K. Akassoglou and D. Kleinfeld, Chronic imaging and optical manipulation of cortical cells and microvessels through a large-area polished and reinforced thinned-skull. Nature Methods.,981-984, (2010). D. N. Vitek, D. E. Adams, A. Johnson, P. S. Tsai, S. Backus, C. G. Durfee, D. Kleinfeld and J. A. Squier, Temporally focused femtosecond laser pulses for low numerical aperture micromachining through optically transparent materials. Optics Express 18:18086-18094, (2010). B. Chen, B. Friedman, Q. Cheng, P. S. Tsai, E. Schim, D. Kleinfeld, and P. D. Lyden, Severe blood-brain barrier disruption and surronding tissue injury, Stroke, 40, E666-E674 (2009). P. S. Tsai, J. Kaufhold, P. Blinder, B. Friedman, P.J. Drew, H.J. Karten, P. D. Lyden and D. Kleinfeld, Correlations of neuronal and microvascular densisties in murine cortex revealed by direct counting and colocalization of nuclei and vessels, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(46) 14553-14570 (2009). P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, B. J. Migliori, J. Neev, Y. Jin, J. A. Squier and D. Kleinfeld, Plasma-mediated ablation: An optical tool for submicrometer surgery on neuronal and vascular systems. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 20(1), 90-99 (2009). B. Friedman, C. Schachtrup, P. S. Tsai, A. Y. Shih, J. Nordberg, K. Akassoglou, D. Kleinfeld and P. D. Lyden, Acute vascular disruption and Aquaporin 4 loss after stroke, Stroke, 40(6), 2182-2190, (2009). A. Shih, B. Friedman, P. Drew, P. S. Tsai, P. Lyden, and D.Kleinfeld, Active dilation of penetrating arterioles restores red blood cell flux to penumbral neocortex after focal stroke, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 29, 738-751. (2009). P. S. Tsai, B. Migliori, K. Campbell, T. N. Kim, Z. Kam, A. Groisman, and D. Kleinfeld, Spherical aberration correction in nonlinear microscopy and optical ablation using a transparent deformable membrane, Applied Physics Letters, 91(19), 191102 (2007). Q. T. Nguyen, P. S. Tsai, D. Kleinfeld, MPScope: A versatile software suite for multiphoton microscopy, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 156 (1-2), 351-359 (2006). G. O. Clay, A. C. Millard, C. B. Schaffer, J. Aus-der-Au, P. S. Tsai, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, Spectroscopy of third harmonic generation: Evidence for resonances in model compounds and ligated hemoglobin, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 23 932 (2006). N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Targeted insult to individual subsurface cortical blood vessels using ultrashort laser pulses: Three models of stroke. Nature Methods, 3, 99 (2006). C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, N. Nishimura, L. F. Schroeder, P. S. Tsai, F. F. Ebner, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Two-photon imaging of cortical surface microvessels reveals a robust redistribution in blood flow after vascular occlusion, Public Library of Science Biology, 4 (2), e22 (2006). P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I. Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, V. Lev-Ram, C. B. Schaffer, Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, All-Optical Histology Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Neuron, 39, 27 (2003). J. A. Davis, P. S. Tsai, D.M. Cottrell, T. Sonehara, J. Amako, Transmission Variations in Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulators Caused by Interference and Diffraction Effects. Optical Engineering, 38, 1051 (1999). J. A. Davis, P. S. Tsai, K.G. D’Neilly, Simple Technique for Determining the Extraordinary Axis Direction for Twisted-Nematic Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulators, Optical Engineering, 38, 929 (1999). J. A. Davis, I. Moreno, P. S. Tsai, Polarization Eigenstates for Twisted-Nematic Liquid-Crystal Displays, Applied Optics, 37, 937 (1998). BOOK CHAPTERS P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, J. A. Squier and D. Kleinfeld. All-optical, in situ histology of brain tissue with femtosecond laser pulses, in Imaging in Neuroscience and Development, R. Yuste, series editor. Book 2: Optical Imaging in Neuroscience, F. Helmchen and A. Konnerth, editors, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, NY, Chapter 45. 437-446 (2011) P. S. Tsai, and D. Kleinfeld. In vivo two-photon laser scanning microscopy with concurrent plasma-mediated ablation: Principles and hardware realization in Methods for In Vivo Optical Imaging, Second Edition, R. D. Frostig, editor, CRC Press, 3:59-115 (2009) A. Devor, A. Y. Shih, P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, P. Tian, and D. Kleinfeld. Two-photon laser scanning microscopy as a tool to study cortical vasodynamics under normal and ischemic condition. in Imaging the Brain with Optical Methods, A. Roe, editor, Springer Press, 11:245-262 (2009) Q. -T. Nguyen, G. O. Clay, N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, L. F. Schroeder, P. S. Tsai, and D. Kleinfeld, Pioneering applications of two-photon microscopy to mammalian neurophysiology: Seven case studies in Handbook of Biomedical Nonlinear Optical Microscopy, B. Masters and P. So, editors. Oxford Press, pp 715-734 (2008) P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, C. B. Schaffer, J. A. Squier and D. Kleinfeld, All-optical, in situ histology of neuronal tissue with femtosecond laser pulses in Imaging in Neuroscience and Development: A Laboratory Manual , R. Yuste and A. Konnerth, ed., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, NY pp 439-444 (2005) P. S. Tsai, N. Nishimura, E. J. Yoder, E. M. Dolnick, G. A. White, and D. Kleinfeld, Principles, design, and construction of a two photon laser scanning microscope for in vitro and in vivo brain imaging in In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function, R. D. Frostig, ed.,Broca Raton, CRC Press, pp. p113-171 (2002). PATENTS D. Jeong, D. Kleinfeld, J. Neev, and P. S. Tsai, Device and method for selective removal of bone versus soft tissue using ultrashort laser pulses and spectroscopic feedback. Provisional patent submitted December, 2009 B. Friedman, D. Kleinfeld, P. D. Lyden, N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, L. F. Schroeder, and P. S. Tsai, Device and method for inducing vascular injury and/or blockage in an animal model, United States Patent no. 7,258,687. TRADE JOURNALS N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, P. D. Lyden and D. Kleinfeld, Laser photoablation: A new biomedical tool, SPIE Newsroom, http://spie.org/x8614.xml?highlight=x2416 (2006) G. O. Clay, N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, P. S. Tsai, and D. Kleinfeld, Beyond observation: microscopy with ultrashort laser pulses to probe and manipulate cortical vasculature, SPIE Optics in Information Systems 15, 4 (July 2004). P. S. Tsai, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, Ultra-short laser light: a cool tool for ultra-precise tissue cutting, Optics and Photonics News 15, 7 (July 2004) pp 24-29. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS J. Kaufhold, P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder and D. Kleinfeld. Threshold relaxation is an effective means to connect gaps in 3D images of complex microvascular networks, in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology, in conjunction with MICCAI, (2008) N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Targeted disruption of deep-lying neocortical microvessels in rat using ultrashort laser pulses, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5340 Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers IV, (2004) p.179-187. A. Ifarraguerri, B. Thompson, P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, C. B. Schaffer, V. Lev-Ram, R. Y. Tsien , J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, Quantitative analysis of volumetric TPLSM data, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging(2004) p.804-807 vol. 1 C. B. Schaffer, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, L. F. Schroeder, F. F. Ebner, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Two-photon microscopy reveals that cortical blood flow reverses direction at the first branch that lies downstream from a localized photothrombotic clot, in Technical Digest: OSA Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2004) P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I. Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, V. Lev-Ram, C. B. Schaffer, Q. Xiong, R. Y Tsien, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, All optical histology: serial ablation and multiphoton imaging of neuronal tissue with femtosecond laser pulses, in Proceedings of IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, (2003). p.485-486 vol.2 C. B. Schaffer, F. F. Ebner, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, L. F. Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Arteriole blood flow reverses direction at the first branch that lies downstream from a localized photothrombotic clot, Proceedings of IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting (2003) p.307. C. B. Schaffer, F. F. Ebner, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, L. F. Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Two-photon fluorescence microscopy of collateral blood flow following photothrombotic stroke in rat neocortex, in Technical Digest: OSA Annual Meeting (2003). C. B. Schaffer, F. F. Ebner, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, L. F. Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Real-time two-photon fluorescence microscopy of blood flow dynamics following photothrombotic stroke in rat neocortex, in Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, (2003). p.307-308 vol. 1 P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, V. Lev-Ram, Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, D. Kleinfeld, A. I. Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson and J. A. Squier, All optical histology of brain tissue: Serial ablation and multiphoton imaging with femtosecond laser pulses in Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, MD (2003). p 4-7 C. B. Schaffer, L.F. Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, N. Nishimura, P. S. Tsai, and D. Kleinfeld All-optical thrombotic stroke model for near-surface blood vessels in rat: focal illumination of exogeneous photosensitizers combined with real-time two-photon imaging in Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4978 (2003), p.222-231. INVITED PRESENTATIONS P. S. Tsai, QBio : An Integrative Educational Program of Physics and Biology at UCSD. AAPT Winter Meeting (Jan, 2018) P. S. Tsai, Guiding the Transition: Biophysics Laboratory on Research Design and Implementation. AAPT Winter Meeting (Jan, 2015). P. S. Tsai, Optical tools for high-resolution, large-field measurements in the brain. Optics and photonics research at UCSD: materials, metamaterials, living and synthetic matter (Aug, 2014). P. S. Tsai, Mouse cerebral blood flow and reconstruction of the cortical angioarchitecture. VRC Seminar at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Apr, 2014) P. S. Tsai, Blood flow and the angioarchitecture of mouse cerebral cortex P. S. Tsai, Bloodflow and the angio-architecture in relation to the vibrissa barrels. Barrels XXVI (Nov, 2013) P. S. Tsai, D. C. Jeong, D. Kleinfeld, Precise Cranial Surgery With Femtosecond Laser Ablation, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Second Harmonic Generation. SCIX / North American Society for Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (Oct, 2013) P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, J. P. Kaufhold, and D. Kleinfeld, From Photons to Flow Patterns – Quantifying neurovascular architecture with light microscopy. Janelia Farms Conference on Multiphoton Imaging: The Next 6x10^23 Femtoseconds (April, 2011) P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, J.P. Kaufhold, and D. Kleinfeld, Reconstruction of the cortical vascular network in mouse, Computational Neurosciences Meeting, Workshop on High-throughput 3D microscopy and high-performance computing for multi-scale modeling and simulation of large-scale neuronal circuits (July, 2010) P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, P. Drew, J. Driscoll, D. Jeong, J.P. Kaufhold, A. Shih, I. Valmianski, and D. Kleinfeld, Topology, dynamics, and control in cortical blood flow elucidated with optical techniques, SPIE Optics and Photonics (August, 2009) P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, B. Migliori, D. Kleinfeld, Ultra-Short Laser Pulses as a Tool to Measure as well as Perturb Neurovascular Activity in the Rodent Brain, Optical Society of America, Annual Meeting: Frontier in Optics/ Laser Science (October, 2008) P. S. Tsai, Challenges in the analysis and acquisition of 3-D in vivo imaging data, Fourth International Workshop Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data (May, 2008) P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I. Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, V. Lev-Ram, C. B. Schaffer, Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, All optical histology: Serial ablation and Multiphoton Imaging of Neuronal Tissue with Femtosecond Laser Pulses, IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting (October, 2003) P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, V. Lev-Ram, Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, D. Kleinfeld, A. I. Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, and J. A. Squier*, All optical histology of brain tissue: Serial ablation and multiphoton imaging with femtosecond laser pulses, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (May, 2003) CONTRIBUTED PRESENTATIONS P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, J. P. Kaufhold, P. M. Knutsen, H. Suhl and D. Kleinfeld, Highly interconnected microvasculature supports restricted blood flow independent of columnar boundaries, 21st Annual Meeting of the Israel-Society-for-Neuroscience (Nov, 2013). P. S. Tsai, M. Anderson, J. Field, C. Mateo, and D. Kleinfeld, Ultrawide-field two photon laser scanning microscope, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2013). C. Mateo, P. S. Tsai, A. Y. Shih, and D. Kleinfeld, Probing neurovascular coupling via natural and driven vasomotion in the awake mouse, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2013). P. S. Tsai, M. Anderson, J. Field, C. Mateo, and D. Kleinfeld, Ultrawide-field two photon laser scanning microscope, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2013) C. Mateo, P. S. Tsai, A. Y. Shih, and D. Kleinfeld, Probing neurovascular coupling via natural and driven vasomotion in the awake mouse, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2013) P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, J. Kaufhold, B. Friedman, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, The murine angiotome: Patterns of blood flow in mouse vibrissa sensory cortex revealed by modeling flow in vectorized reconstructions of the vasculature, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2011) A. Y. Shih, P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, G. M. Stanley, B. Friedman, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, The smallest stroke: Occlusion of a single penetrating vessel in cortex leads to local pathology and sensory impairment, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2011) P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, J. P. Kaufhold, and D. Kleinfeld, Topological basis for differences in surface versus subsurface blood flow from the vectorization of all vessels and cell nuclei across cortical columns, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2010) P .S. Tsai, P. J. Drew, A. Y. Shih, P. Knutsen, D. Davalos, P. Blinder, K. Akassaglou, and D. Kleinfeld, Large-scale chronic imaging and optical manipulation of cortical cells through a polished and reinforced thinned-skull, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2010) D. Jeong, P. S. Tsai, D. Schafer, J. Squier, Y. Neev, and D. Kleinfeld, All optical cranial surgery: Ablation of hard but not soft tissue by amplified femtosecond laser pulses and feedback from atomic emission spectra, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2010) P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, J. P. Kaufhold, B. Friedman, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Vascular and cellular maps of mouse cortex revealed through all-optical histology and volumetric image data analysis algorithms, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2009) P. J. Drew, J. D. Driscoll, P. S. Tsai, A. Y. Shih, and D. Kleinfeld, Two-photon imaging of spontaneous and sensory evoked cortical microvascular dynamics in the awake mouse, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2009) J. Kaufhold, P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder and D. Kleinfeld. Threshold relaxation is an effective means to connect gaps in 3D images of complex microvascular networks, Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology / Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (September, 2008) P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, J. Kaufhold, A. Y. Shih, C. A. Rafie, B. Friedman, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Towards a multi-scale complete mapping of the cortical rodent angioarchitecture and neuronal cell nuclei distribution: a potential structural basis for post-ischemic cell damage patterm. Gordon Conference on Brain Energy Metabolism & Blood Flow (August 2008), P. S. Tsai, J. Kaufhold, B. Friedman, P. Lyden, D. Kleinfeld , Direct Counts of Cellular and Vascular Densities in Thick Cortical Sections of Mouse. , Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2007). J. Kaufhold, P. S. Tsai, P. Binder, B. Friedman, P. Lyden, D. Kleinfeld, A. I. Ifarraguerri , Automatic Neuroanatomical Microvessel Segmentation, Nuclei Labeling and Diffusion Distance Computations with All Optical Histology, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2007). P. Binder, P. S. Tsai, J. Kaufhold, B. Friedman, D. Kleinfeld, Complete Millimeter-Scale Reconstruction of Cells and Vasculature in Mouse Barrel Cortex , Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2007). B. Migliori, P. S. Tsai, K. Campbell, T. Kim, T. Kam, A. Groisman, D. Kleinfeld , A Flexible Polymer Lens Reduces Spherical Aberration in Two-Photon Microscopy, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2007). P. S. Tsai, T.N. Kim, K. Campbell, A. Groisman, Z. Kam, and D. Kleinfeld, Spherical aberration correction in deep multi-photon imaging, Optical Society of America, FiO (2005) N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Collateral blood flow after occlusion of individual surface and subsurface microvessels, Barrels XVII (2004). P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I. Ifarraguerri, C. B. Schaffer, V. Lev-Ram, R. Y. Tsien, and D. Kleinfeld, All-optical histology for the large-scale mapping of cellular and vasculature distributions in rodent brain, Focus on Microscopy Conference (April 2004). N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Targeted microvascular disruption in rat cortex using ultrashort laser pulses, Focus on Microscopy (2004). N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai*, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Targeted disruption of deep-lying neocortical microvessels in rat using ultrashort laser pulses, Photonics West (2004). A. Ifarraguerri, B. Thompson, P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, C. B. Schaffer, V. Lev-Ram, R. Y. Tsien , J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, Quantitative analysis of volumetric TPLSM data, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (2004) C. B. Schaffer, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, L. F. Schroeder, F. F. Ebner, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Two-photon microscopy reveals that cortical blood flow reverses direction at the first branch that lies downstream from a localized photothrombotic clot, OSA Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (May, 2004) P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I. Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, V. Lev-Ram, C. B. Schaffer, Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld , All optical histology of neuronal tissue using ultrashort pulses, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2003). N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Photodisruption with amplified femtosecond laser pulses induces three-dimensionally localized clots in neocortical vasculature in rat, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2003) C. B. Schaffer, F. F. Ebner, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, L. F. Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Two-photon fluorescence microscopy of collateral blood flow following photothrombotic stroke in rat neocortex, OSA Annual Meeting (Oct, 2003). C. B. Schaffer, F. F. Ebner, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, L. F. Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Arteriole blood flow reverses direction at the first branch that lies downstream from a localized photothrombotic clot, Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting (Oct, 2003) P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, V. Lev-Ram, Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, D. Kleinfeld, A. I. Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, and J. A. Squier*, All optical histology of brain tissue: Serial ablation and multiphoton imaging with femtosecond laser pulses, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (May, 2003). C. B. Schaffer, F. F. Ebner, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, L. F. Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Real-time two-photon fluorescence microscopy of blood flow dynamics following photothrombotic stroke in rat neocortex, Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, (May, 2003). P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I. Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, V. Lev-Ram, C. B. Schaffer, Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, All Optical histology of neuronal tissue : serial ablation and multiphoton imaging with femtosecond laser pulses, SPIE Photonics West (January 2003). C. B. Schaffer, L. F. Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, N. Nishimura*, P. S. Tsai*, and D. Kleinfeld, Femtosencond laser-induced hemorrhagic and thrombolytic microstrokes in rodents, SPIE Photonics West (January 2003). P. S. Tsai, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, Precision, Large-Scale Cutting Of Neuronal Tissue with Femtosecond Laser Light, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (Feburary 2002). O. Clay, P. S. Tsai*, A. C. Millard, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, Evidence for Resonances in the Third Harmonic Spectra of Hemoglobin as a Function of its Ligand Binding State, Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (Feburary, 2002). O. Griesbeck, E. J. Yoder*, P. S. Tsai*, R. Y. Tsien, and D. Kleinfeld, In-Vivo Expression of Cameleons in Rodent Neocortex by Adenoviral Gene Transfer, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2000). |