Plasma-Mediated Femtosecond Laser
Background : Laser ablation
The use of laser pulses with
sub-picosecond durations for the microscopic removal or
modification of material has several advantages over the use
of longer laser pulses. In the long-pulse regime,
material damage is and removal are initiated by a thermal
process induced by local heating of material by linear
absorption of the long laser pulse. The local heating
results in melting, boiling and thermal expansion of the
targeted material. Consequently, in this regime,
collateral thermal damage can be substantial, and ablation
efficiency can exhibit considerable variability due to
differences in local absorption within a material and
between different material substrates.
Background : Femotsecond Pulse Laser Ablation
Ablation with femtosecond
laser pulses proceeds by a distinctly different mechanism
than the thermal process observed with longer
pulses. With ultrashort pulses, material
modification is initiated by a nonlinear absorption
process by a pulse that is shorter than the material
equilibration time. Femtosecond pulse laser ablation
is thus deemed a "non-thermal" ablation process.
Although post-pulse equilibration is, of course, still
thermal in nature, the use of short pulses with high
instantaneous intensity, but low integrated energy, allows
for ablation with minimal collateral thermal damage.
The process of material
modification with femtosecond pulses begins with a
multi-photon absorption that can best be described by as a
Zener electron tunneling ionization event. This
first seed electron is then accelerated by the large
electric field of the laser pulse. An ionization
cascade occurs as accelerated free electrons collide with
stationary molecules and atoms, producing more free
electrons. The cascade proceeds exponentially during
the duration of the femtosecond pulse, producing a
microscopic neutral plasma, eventually reaching a critical
electron density. At this point the high density of
free electrons mimics the conduction band in a metal, and
the plasma reflects the remainder of laser pulse, and
constrains further absorption to a nanometer-scale skin
depth within the plasma. All of these dynamics are
completed within the ~100 femtosecond duration of the
laser pulse, which is shorter than the
picosecond-to-nanosecond timescale for thermal
relaxation. Thus, all laser-material interactions
are strictly confined to the focal volume.
As a result of these self-seeding and
self-limiting behaviors, ablation with femtosecond pulses
can provide consistent damage across a wide range of
materials - from soft tissues to hard dielectric materials
to metals, with negligible thermal damage to surrounding
structures. Additionally, the highly nonlinear
(equivalent to 5th or higher order) initiation process
enables material modfication deep to the surface of the
target object.
All Optical Histology

One application of femtosecond pulse laser ablation in my
research has been the invention and development of
all-optical histology. This technique combines
two-photon laser scanning microscopy and femtosecond pulse
laser ablation to perform serial iterations of imaging and
ablation in histological tissue samples. Here, laser
ablation is used to remove, on a micrometer-by-micrometer
basis, the upper layers of tissue that have previously
been imaged, thereby exposing previously underyling layers
for subsequent round of multiphoton imaging. In
contrast to traditional reconstruction by serial thin
sections, all-optical histology images are taken within an
undisturbed block of tissue, and surface removal of the
previously imaged tissue is performed by non-thermal laser
ablation, which produces no sheer forces upon the soft
tissue block. Thus, we obtain a fully-registered
3-dimensional reconstruction of a macroscopic block of
tissue with micrometer resolution, without the tissue
distortion and mis-registration issues inherent to serial
section reconstruction.