P. S. Tsai, QBio: An
Integrative Educational Program of Physics and Biology at
UCSD, AAPT Winter Meeting (Jan, 2018)
P. S. Tsai, Guiding the Transition: Biophysics
Laboratory on Research Design and Implementation.
AAPT Winter meeting (Jan, 2015).
P. S. Tsai, Optical tools for high-resolution,
large-field measurements in the brain. Optics and
photonics research at UCSD: materials, metamaterials,
living and synthetic matter (Aug, 2014).
P. S. Tsai, Mouse cerebral blood flow and
reconstruction of the cortical angioarchitecture. VRC
Seminar at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Apr,
P. S. Tsai, Blood flow and the angioarchitecture of
mouse cerebral cortex . Neuronus 2014 (Apr, 2014).
P. S. Tsai, Bloodflow and the angio-architecture in
relation to the vibrissa barrels. Barrels XXVI (Nov,
P. S. Tsai, D. C. Jeong, D. Kleinfeld, Precise
Cranial Surgery With Femtosecond Laser Ablation, Laser
Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Second Harmonic
Generation. SCIX / North American Society for Laser
Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (Oct, 2013).
P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, J.
P. Kaufhold, and D. Kleinfeld, From
Photons to Flow Patterns – Quantifying neurovascular
architecture with light microscopy. Janelia Farms Conference on Multiphoton
Imaging: The Next 6x10^23 Femtoseconds (April, 2011)
P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, J.P. Kaufhold, and D. Kleinfeld, Reconstruction of the cortical vascular
network in mouse,
Computational Neurosciences Meeting, Workshop on
High-throughput 3D microscopy and high-performance
computing for multi-scale modeling and simulation of
large-scale neuronal circuits (July, 2010)
P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, P.
Drew, J. Driscoll, D. Jeong, J.P. Kaufhold, A. Shih, I.
Valmianski, and D. Kleinfeld, Topology,
dynamics, and control in cortical blood flow elucidated
with optical techniques, SPIE
Optics and Photonics (August, 2009)
P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, B.
Migliori, D. Kleinfeld, Ultra-Short
Laser Pulses as a Tool to Measure as well as Perturb
Neurovascular Activity in the Rodent Brain, Optical Society of America, Annual Meeting:
Frontier in Optics/ Laser Science (October, 2008)
P. S. Tsai, Challenges in
the analysis and acquisition of 3-D in vivo imaging data, Fourth International Workshop Statistical
Analysis of Neuronal Data (May, 2008)
P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I.
Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, V. Lev-Ram, C. B. Schaffer,
Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, All optical histology: Serial ablation and
Multiphoton Imaging of Neuronal Tissue with Femtosecond
Laser Pulses, IEEE Lasers and
Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting (October, 2003)
P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, V.
Lev-Ram, Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, D. Kleinfeld, A. I.
Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, and J. A. Squier*, All optical histology of brain tissue:
Serial ablation and multiphoton imaging with femtosecond
laser pulses, Conference on
Lasers and Electro-Optics (May, 2003)
P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, J. P. Kaufhold, P. M.
Knutsen, H. Suhl and D. Kleinfeld, Highly interconnected
microvasculature supports restricted blood flow
independent of columnar boundaries, 21st Annual Meeting of
the Israel-Society-for-Neuroscience (Nov, 2013).
P. S. Tsai, M. Anderson, J. Field, C. Mateo,
and D. Kleinfeld, Ultrawide-field two photon laser
scanning microscope, Society for Neuroscience Annual
Meeting (November, 2013).
C. Mateo, P. S. Tsai, A. Y. Shih, and D.
Kleinfeld, Probing neurovascular coupling via
natural and driven vasomotion in the awake mouse, Society
for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2013).
P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, J.
Kaufhold, B. Friedman, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, The murine angiotome: Patterns of blood flow
in mouse vibrissa sensory cortex revealed by modeling
flow in vectorized reconstructions of the vasculature, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
(November, 2011)
A. Y. Shih, P. Blinder, P. S.
Tsai, G. M. Stanley, B.
Friedman, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, The smallest stroke: Occlusion of a single
penetrating vessel in cortex leads to local pathology
and sensory impairment,
Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2011)
P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, J. P. Kaufhold, and D. Kleinfeld, Topological basis for differences in surface
versus subsurface blood flow from the vectorization of
all vessels and cell nuclei across cortical columns, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
(November, 2010)
P .S. Tsai, P. J. Drew, A. Y.
Shih, P. Knutsen, D. Davalos, P. Blinder, K. Akassaglou,
and D. Kleinfeld, Large-scale
chronic imaging and optical manipulation of cortical
cells through a polished and reinforced thinned-skull, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
(November, 2010)
D. Jeong, P. S. Tsai, D. Schafer, J. Squier, Y. Neev, and D.
Kleinfeld, All optical cranial
surgery: Ablation of hard but not soft tissue by
amplified femtosecond laser pulses and feedback from
atomic emission spectra, Society
for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2010)
P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder, J. P.
Kaufhold, B. Friedman, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Vascular and cellular maps of mouse cortex
revealed through all-optical histology and volumetric
image data analysis algorithms,
Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2009)
P. J. Drew, J. D. Driscoll, P.
S. Tsai, A. Y. Shih, and D.
Kleinfeld, Two-photon imaging of
spontaneous and sensory evoked cortical microvascular
dynamics in the awake mouse,
Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2009)
J. Kaufhold, P. S. Tsai, P. Blinder and D. Kleinfeld. Threshold relaxation is an effective means to
connect gaps in 3D images of complex microvascular
networks, Microscopic Image
Analysis with Applications in Biology / Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (September,
P. Blinder, P. S. Tsai, J. Kaufhold, A. Y. Shih, C. A. Rafie, B.
Friedman, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Towards a multi-scale complete mapping of the
cortical rodent angioarchitecture and neuronal cell
nuclei distribution: a potential structural basis for
post-ischemic cell damage patterm. Gordon Conference on Brain Energy Metabolism
& Blood Flow (August 2008),
P. S. Tsai, J. Kaufhold, B.
Friedman, P. Lyden, D. Kleinfeld , Direct
of Cellular and Vascular Densities in Thick Cortical
Sections of Mouse. , Society
for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2007).
J. Kaufhold, P. S. Tsai, P. Binder, B. Friedman, P. Lyden, D. Kleinfeld,
A. I. Ifarraguerri , Automatic
Neuroanatomical Microvessel Segmentation, Nuclei
Labeling and Diffusion Distance Computations with All
Optical Histology, Society for
Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2007).
P. Binder, P. S. Tsai, J. Kaufhold, B. Friedman, D. Kleinfeld, Complete Millimeter-Scale Reconstruction of
Cells and Vasculature in Mouse Barrel Cortex , Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
(November, 2007).
B. Migliori, P. S. Tsai, K. Campbell, T. Kim, T. Kam, A. Groisman, D.
Kleinfeld , A Flexible Polymer
Lens Reduces Spherical Aberration in Two-Photon
Microscopy, Society for
Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2007).
P. S. Tsai, T.N. Kim, K. Campbell, A. Groisman, Z. Kam,
and D. Kleinfeld, Spherical aberration correction in deep
multi-photon imaging, Optical Society of America,
FiO (2005)
N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, P. D.
Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld,
Collateral blood flow after occlusion of individual
surface and subsurface microvessels, Barrels XVII (2004).
P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I.
Ifarraguerri, C. B. Schaffer, V. Lev-Ram, R. Y. Tsien, and
D. Kleinfeld, All-optical
histology for the large-scale mapping of cellular and
vasculature distributions in rodent brain, Focus on Microscopy Conference (April 2004).
N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, P. D.
Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Targeted
microvascular disruption in rat cortex using ultrashort
laser pulses, Focus on
Microscopy (2004).
N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai*, P. D. Lyden, and D.
Kleinfeld, Targeted disruption of deep-lying
neocortical microvessels in rat using ultrashort laser
pulses, Photonics West
A. Ifarraguerri, B. Thompson, P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, C. B. Schaffer, V. Lev-Ram, R.
Y. Tsien , J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, Quantitative analysis of volumetric TPLSM
data, IEEE
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (2004)
C. B. Schaffer, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman, P. S. Tsai, L. F.
Schroeder, F. F. Ebner, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Two-photon
microscopy reveals that cortical blood flow reverses
direction at the first branch that lies downstream
from a localized photothrombotic clot, OSA
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (May, 2004)
P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I.
Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, V. Lev-Ram, C. B. Schaffer,
Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld , All optical histology of neuronal tissue using
ultrashort pulses, Society for
Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2003).
N. Nishimura, C. B. Schaffer, P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, P. D. Lyden,
and D. Kleinfeld, Photodisruption with amplified femtosecond
laser pulses induces three-dimensionally localized
clots in neocortical vasculature in rat, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
(November, 2003)
C. B. Schaffer, F. F. Ebner, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman,
P. S. Tsai, L. F.
Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Two-photon
fluorescence microscopy of collateral blood flow
following photothrombotic stroke in rat neocortex, OSA Annual
Meeting (Oct, 2003).
C. B. Schaffer, F. F. Ebner, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman,
P. S. Tsai, L. F.
Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Arteriole
blood flow reverses direction at the first branch that
lies downstream from a localized photothrombotic clot, Lasers and
Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting (Oct, 2003)
P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, V.
Lev-Ram, Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, D. Kleinfeld, A. I.
Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, and J. A. Squier*, All optical histology of brain tissue:
Serial ablation and multiphoton imaging with femtosecond
laser pulses, Conference on
Lasers and Electro-Optics (May, 2003).
C. B. Schaffer, F. F. Ebner, N. Nishimura, B. Friedman,
P. S. Tsai, L. F.
Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, and D. Kleinfeld, Real-time
two-photon fluorescence microscopy of blood flow
dynamics following photothrombotic stroke in rat
neocortex, Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, (May,
P. S. Tsai, B. Friedman, A. I.
Ifarraguerri, B. D. Thompson, V. Lev-Ram, C. B. Schaffer,
Q. Xiong, R. Y. Tsien, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld, All Optical histology of neuronal tissue :
serial ablation and multiphoton imaging with femtosecond
laser pulses, SPIE Photonics
West (January 2003).
C. B. Schaffer, L. F. Schroeder, P. D. Lyden, N.
Nishimura*, P. S. Tsai*, and D. Kleinfeld, Femtosencond
laser-induced hemorrhagic and thrombolytic microstrokes
in rodents, SPIE Photonics
West (January 2003).
P. S. Tsai, J. A. Squier, and
D. Kleinfeld, Precision,
Large-Scale Cutting Of Neuronal Tissue with Femtosecond
Laser Light, Biophysical
Society Annual Meeting (Feburary 2002).
O. Clay, P. S. Tsai*, A. C. Millard, J. A. Squier, and D. Kleinfeld,
Evidence for Resonances in the
Third Harmonic Spectra of Hemoglobin as a Function of
its Ligand Binding State,
Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (Feburary, 2002).
O. Griesbeck, E. J. Yoder*, P.
S. Tsai*, R. Y. Tsien, and D.
Kleinfeld, In-Vivo Expression of
Cameleons in Rodent Neocortex by Adenoviral Gene
Transfer, Society for
Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2000).